Ralf Eyertt
Munich, Germany
Ralf Eyertt is a photographer now based in Germany, specializing in fashion, glamour, beauty, and lifestyle photography. From 2010 to 2024, he worked successfully in Switzerland, accompanying numerous fashion productions as a photographer.

Originally from Munich, he has been active in the advertising industry since 1986. Between 1996 and 2008, he managed various artists in the music industry and contributed to the design of numerous CD and DVD covers. Since 2006, he has fully focused on photography, taking on various fashion productions in the greater Bavaria region.

In 2010, his projects led him to Zurich, where he eventually settled. With his loft studio, he became involved in numerous Swiss fashion productions.

As of June 2024, he is once again based in Germany, near Munich.

His editorials are regularly published in numerous international and national magazines.

Published In

Scorpio Jin Magazine
EVON Magazine
Surreal Magazine
Vigour Magazine
LORIUS Magazine
MALVIE Magazine
FUSE Magazine
Faddy Magazine
GMARO Magazine
GEZNO Magazine
Vigour The Fashion Art Magazine
Elléments Magazine
Moevir Magazine
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